
Costs of living

To reduce bookkeeping following costs of living are deducted instead of calculating the exact amount.
If you surpass the values greatly during game the amounts get adjusted accordingly.
Standard of living costs per month in dollar
Self-Sufficient 75
Meager 200
Poor 500
Common 1,000
Good 3,000
Extravagant 10,000

Mundane Armor

(Note that replicates of historical armor have prices very much different from their original times)
Armor cost in dollar
Leather clothes 300
Leather armor 450
Studded leather armor 600
Chain mail 200
Plate Armor 300
Kevlar Vest 750


Name cost in dollar
Battle Axe 150
Two handed battle axe 300
Heavy battleaxe 600
Knife 30
Short Sword 150
Sword 200
Bastardsword 500
Two handed sword 750
Bow 150
Crossbow 400
Quarterstaff 10
Flail 120
Heavy flail 180
Scythe 250
Halberd 150
Club 75
Heavy Club 200
Warhammer 175
Heavy Warhammer 300
Shield 1500
Sling 5
Light Pistol (.22) 300
Pistol (.45) 450
Shotgun 12ga 450
Assault rifle (5.56mm Nato) 900
Machine gun (.50) 2,500
Assault Cannon (20mm) 6,000
Anti Vehicle missile 3,000
Fragmentation grenade 30


Name Cost in dollar
Compact car 12,000
Middle class car 20,000
Big car 75,000
Big limousine or sports car 150,000
light motor bike 6,000
medium motor bike 9,000
heavy motorbike 13,500
small van 21,000
van 27,000
light truck 35,000
truck 45,000
Big truck 120,000
Helicopter 250,000

Super and spy equipment

Super equipment can be actual gadgets (see below) But it can also be normal equipment which reduced usefullness for normal person.
Name Cost in dollar Special qualities or explanations
Armored Costume $7,500 Special Quality 5
  • Reduced Damage Level 2 dividing all damage by three)
  • Natural Armor Level 4 (DR 8)
  • Good armored Costume $30,000 Special Quality 8
  • Reduced Damage Level 3 (divides all damage by 4)
  • Natural Armor Level 7 (DR 14)
  • Jumping shoes $150 Special Quality 1
  • Enhanced jumping Level 2 (tripling jumping heights and widths)
  • Powered exoskeleton $7,500 Special Quality 5
  • Enhanced Strenght Level 10
  • Gliding wings $150 Special Quality 1
  • Gliding
  • Enhanced jumping Level 1
  • Jetpack $2,250 Special Quality 2
  • Flying Level 4; Limitation fuel lasts only 30 minutes before refill is needed
  • Good Jetpack $7,500 Special Quality 3
  • Flying Level 6; Limitation fuel lasts only 30 minutes before refill is needed
  • Great Jetpack $45,000 Special quality 4
  • Flying Level 8; Limitation fuel lasts only 30 minutes before refill is needed
  • Power Shield $4,500 Specal Quality 4
  • Enhanced Strength Level 16; Limitation, only if used with shield.
  • High quality two way radio headset $250 no super powers, but enables scrambled communication in a 3 miles radius
    wireless microphone $500 the better kind that sends clear sound over distances of 300' without being too obvious.
    Climbing gloves and boots $150 Special Quality 0.5
  • Clinging
  • Camouflage suit $200 Special Quality 1
  • Spell like ability (Color change) Level 2;
  • The suit takes on the color of any material it is in contact with. (Like the wall behind you) It can even simulate patterns. (at a distance of 50' you can become practicly invisible as long as you don't move. If you move you are at a -2 to hit, since it is hard to make out your form. In close combat you get no advantage unless fighting against someone/thing with no depth perception)
    Always fitting suit $200 Special Quality 1
  • Spell like ability (Shapechange) Level 4; Limitation only sizechange of suit to fit the wearer.
  • Gadgetered items

    Gadgets are not normaly available on the open market.
    Even Organisations for Superheros and government agencies have trouble getting their hands on equipment that is over SQ5.
    Luckily most advanced items are actually a combination of several different items.
    if you want to buy an item in game from the blackmarket, the price is usually the normal marketprice multiplied with the Special Quality rank the item grants.

    These costs are all in addition to whatever the mundane parts of an item cost.
    Special Quality Cost of the item in dollar Cost of a one time item in dollar
    1 150 1.5
    2 750 7.5
    3 2,250 22.5
    4 4,500 45
    5 7,500 75
    6 13,500 135
    7 22,500 225
    8 30,000 300
    9 45,000 450
    10 75,000 750
    11 135,000 1,350
    12 225,000 2,250
    13 300,0000 3,000
    14 450,000 4,500
    15 750,000 7,500
    16 1,350,000 13,500
    17 2,250,000 22,500
    18 3,000,0000 30,000
    19 4,500,000 45,000
    20 7,500,000 75,000