
An introduction of the most common player races. Introducing all special abilities they might have.
Some of the creatures mentioned come with examples. In a few cases the special qualities vary those are then put into the examples.


Since most players should know about the abilities of humans, I picked this race for setting the standard and point out differences to this race.


Shorter than humans of slender build with pinty ears. Most elves prefer living in the woods.
They have better eyesight and hearing than average humans, even low-ligt vision. But their eye-sight isn't as keen that it would require the special quality acute senses.


They look mostly like halfsized humans.
Special qualities include str-1 and dex+1. (And so a special quality of 0 points)


Dwarfs are about 4' tall and prefer living underground.
Special qualities include: str+1, con +1, will+1 and darkvision(special quality 2)


Goblins are about 3' tall with reddish skin.
Special qualities include str -1 and darkvision (special quality 0)


Orcs are between 6' and 7' tall with grayish skin.
Special qualities include str+1 and darkvision. (Special quality 1)


Vampires create spawn by infecting fresh bodies. Normaly their bite is the reason of death so the bodies look very much as during their lifetimes. A newborn vampire can access the memories of its new body and feels a certain obligation to its creator. Within a year it becomes a truly independent being with a will of its own, until then it does whatever its creator wants.
The special quality cost of a vampire is 0 and contains the following:
  • Acute senses (Darkvision, enhanced hearing, enhanced smell)
  • Clinging
  • Enhanced Attributes, str+5 Dex+5
  • Regeneration Level 2 (Con HP/minute)
  • Supernatural Allergy (Sun) Level 5
  • Unique Kill (Ashes have to be scattered)
  • Supernatural Allergy (Being in someones home without being invited first) Level 5
  • Dependency (One quart of blood per week) Level 3

    Bryngolis demon

    A Bryngolis is a humanoid whose skin is a mix of red-violet patterns, with black hair and orange eyes. It has 9 ranks in special quality and gets the following with it:
  • Acute senses (Darkvision, enhanced hearing, enhanced smell)
  • Enhanced attribute (dex) Level 4
  • Increased Lifepoints Level 3 (+60HP)
  • Magic resistance Level 5
  • Natural Armor Level 5 (DR10)
  • Regeneration Level 3 (Con HP/round)
  • Reduced damage Level 1
  • Supernatural attack, ranged 20 points of damage against one target. (Force whip)
  • Spell like ability (Illusion disguise on self; 1 hour fools sight and smell) level 2
  • Vulnerability (Silver) Level 2
  • Supernatural allergy (holy ground) Level 5
  • Supernatural allergy (being within 10' of holy symbols) Level 5

    Brynglet, half-demon

    The Brynglets are the children of Bryngolis and humans. They look like normal humans with a few violet patches on their skin and orange eyes. They only have 2 ranks in special qualities and get the following out of those:
  • Enhanced Attribute (dex) Level 2
  • Magic resistance Level 1
  • Natural Armor Level 2 (DR 4)
  • Regeneration Level 1 (Con HP/hour)
  • Supernatural attack, ranged 20 points of damage against one target. (Force whip)
  • Vulnerability (silver) level 1
  • Supernatural Allergy (holy ground) Level 2
  • Supernatural Allergy (being within 10' of a holy symbol) level 2

    Lesser Yokai

    A yokai is a nature spirit. It's true form is normaly that of a humanoid animal.
    Special quality cost 0. Having following abilities:
  • Spell like ability (shapechange <100 pounds for 1 hour; with limitation only into one animal form(80%)) Level 5 (Skill 16, spell modifier 8)
  • Acute senses (pick one)
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 1


    A yokai a nature spirit. It's true form is normaly that of a humanoid animal.
    Special quality cost 7. Having following abilities:
  • Spell like ability (shapechange <100 pounds for 1 hour with limitation only into his animal, his true and his human form(50%)) Level 2 (Skill 12, spell modifier 8)
  • Acute senses (pick two)
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 1
  • Natural armor Level 5 (DR 10)
  • Natural weapon (claw or bite) Level 1 (2*str slash)
  • Regeneration Level 1 (Con HP/hour)
  • Reduced damage Level 1
  • Increased Lifepoints Level 1 (HP+20)

    Dao Yokai

    A Dao yokai is a nature spirit. It's true form is normaly that of a huge humanoid animal (30').
    Special quality cost 23. Having following abilities:
  • Spell like ability (shapechange <25,000 pounds for 1 hour with limitation only into his animal, true or his human form(50%)) Level 18 (Skill 42, spell modifier 34)
  • Acute senses (pick two)
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 1
  • Natural armor Level 10 (DR 20)
  • Natural weapon Level 5 (str*6 slash)
  • Regeneration Level 2 (Con HP/minute)
  • Reduced damage Level 2
  • Increased Lifepoints Level 5 (HP+100)
  • Enhanced Attribute (str) Level 5

    Blue Undler, demon

    The blue Undler is the weakest native demon in Lunds realm. It's a 6' tall blue scaled demon with 3 ranks in special quality. Those ranks give it the following special abilities:
  • Enhanced attribute (str) level 3
  • Natural armor Level 5 (DR 10)
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 1
  • Supernatural Allergy (Iron) Level 2

    Red Undler, demon

    The red Undler is a mediocre strength demon of Lunds realm. It is about 7' tall covered in red scales. It has 6 ranks in special quality and gets the following out of it:
  • Enhanced Attribute (strength) level 5
  • Natural Armor Level 5 (DR 10)
  • Natural weapon Level 2 (str*3 slash)
  • Magic resistance level 2
  • Regenaration Level 1 (Con HP/hour)
  • Reduced damage Level 1
  • Supernatural Allergy (Iron) Level 4
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 2

    Green Undler, demon

    The green Undler is the strongest race of demons of Lunds realm. It is about 10' tall covered in green scales. It has 20 ranks in special quality and gets the following out of it:
  • Enhanced Attribute (str) Level 10
  • Natural armor Level 10 (DR 20)
  • Natural weapon Level4 (str*5 slash)
  • Magic resistance Level 4
  • Regeneration Level 4 (2*con HP/round)
  • reduced damage Level 3
  • Supernatural allergy (Iron) Level 5
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 3
  • Increased Lifepoints level 4 (HP+80)

    Gray Undler, demon

    The gray Undler is one of the demons of Lunds realm. It is about 6' tall covered in grey scales. It has 23 ranks in special quality and gets the following out of it:
  • Enhanced Attribute (str) Level 5
  • Natural armor Level 10 (DR 20)
  • Natural weapon Level 2 (str*3 slash)
  • Regeneration Level 3 (con HP/round)
  • reduced damage Level 3
  • Supernatural allergy (Iron) Level 3
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 3
  • Improved Skill gain (Magic) Level 20

    Succubus, demon

    The Succubus/Incubus species prefers to stay out of physical combat, prefering to manipulate others to do their work
    They have 8 ranks in Special qualities gaining the following:
  • Acute senses (Astral Sight)
  • Emotional Influence Level 3
  • Flying Level 1
  • Natural Armor Level 4 (DR 8)
  • Regeneration level 1 (Con HP per hour)
  • Spell like ability (Shapechange <100 pounds, humanoid form for one day. Spell modifier 8) Level 5 (Skill 16) /Limitation:self only(50%)
  • Spell like ability (Change solidness, between normal and ethereal for one hour. Spell modifier 6) Level 4 (Skill 14) / Limitation: self only(50%)
  • Spell like ability (Planeshift, touch; accurate to 10'. Spell modifier 16) Level 9 (Skill 24) / Limitation: self only(50%)
  • Vulnerability (Iron) Level 2


    Dragons posess following qualities: fly, increased lifepoints, natural armor, reduced damage, natural weapon and supernatural Attack.
    A typical dragon is about one third as high as long. The tail add another half of his length and the wingspan is almost twice the length.

    Sample dragons

    Special qualities5811161821
    Increased lifepoints001234
    Natural Armor2 (Armor+4)3 (Armor+6)4 (Armor+8)2 (Armor+4)3 (Armor+6)4 (Armor+8)
    Reduced Damage000Level 1level 1 Level 1
    Natural Weapon2 (3*str slash)3 (4*str slash)3 (4*str slash)3 (4*str slash)4 (5*str slash)4 (5*str slash)
    Supernatural Attack(firebreath)2
    (ranged one target 20HP)
    (ranged one target 30HP)
    4 (ranged 10' diameter 20HP) 8 (ranged 20' diameter 20HP)10 (ranged 20' diameter 25HP)12 (ranged 20' diameter 30HP)


    In many aspects giants are just oversized humans. Usual qualities are enhanced attribute(strength) and Increased Lifepoints.

    Sample giant fighters

    Size Strength Dexterity Constitution Willpower Hitpoints Fighting Special qualities Increased lifepoints Enhanced attribute
    10' 7 (4+3) 4 4 4 74 4 2 1 (+20HP) 3 (Str+3)
    15' 13 (5+8) 5 5 5 128 4 5 2 (+40HP) 8 (Str+8)
    20' 17 (5+12) 5 5 5 178 4 8 4 (+80HP) 12 (Str+12)


    The typical ogre is between 8' and 9' tall and has blue to green skin.
    Ogres have Special qualities rank 2. Getting following qualities with that:
  • Enhanced ability (str) Level 2
  • Natural armor Level 2 (DR4) Standard weapon of an ogre is the club. (4*str HP bash)

    Sample ogres

    Type Strength Dexterity Constitution Willpower Hitpoints Fighting Magic
    young clanmember 5 (3+2) 3 3 3 42 1 0
    Warrior 6 (4+2) 4 4 4 50 4 0
    Ogre mage 6 (4+2) 4 4 4 50 4 3


    small, winged creatures with pointed ears and arched eyebrows. Their wings are shiny and translucent, and they are usually seen wearing seasonal colors and flora
    Some pixie races glow when they fly. (Often encountered in moors where they lead travelers astray) Normaly pixies avoid contact with big folk, but there are sometimes exceptions to that rule.
    Those pixies that get involved with bigger races often compensate their lack of physical strength by studying magic.
    Pixies have followin special qualities at a cost of 0 ranks:
  • Reduced Attribute (Strength) Level 4
  • Flying Level 2
    Strong pixies use some sort of great sword that deals str points of damage. Others use small arrows with a base damage of 0. (Still adds extra damage on high attack rolls based on dexterity)

    Sample faeries

    Type Strength Dexterity Constitution Willpower Hitpoints Fighting Magic
    Warrior -1 (3-4) 3 3 3 18 3 0
    Pixie adventurer 1 (5-4) 4 3 4 18 3 3


    The average troll is about 9' tall and has a slightly asymetric look and overly long limbs.
    It has followin special qualities at a cost of 0 ranks:
  • Enhanced Ability (str) +5
  • Natural Armor Level 4 (DR 8)
  • Regeneration Level 3(Con HP/round)
  • Supernatural Allergy(Sunlight) Level 10
  • Reduced damage Level 1
  • Unique Kill (sunlight)
    Standard weapon of an troll is the heavy club. (7*(Strength+2) HP bash)

    Exampe troll

    Type Strength Dexterity Constitution Willpower Hitpoints Fighting Heavy Club
    standard troll 9 (4+5) 3 3 2 30 2 2
    experienced troll 10 (5+5) 4 4 3 40 4 4


    Elementals are beings from the elemental planes and completely made up out of their specific element.
    Each Elemental has 4 ranks in special qualities. The benefits they get out of that depends on the element.


  • Natural Armor Level 4 (DR 8)
  • Reduced Damage Level 1


  • Reduced Damage Level 1
  • Vulnerability Water/Ice level 1
  • Supernatural attack Level 3 (60 Points of fire damage in melee)


  • Unique Kill (Can only be killed in Astral Combat)
  • Reduced Damage Level 1


  • Reduced Damage Level 3
  • Regeneration Level 1
  • Vulnerability Fire Level 1

    Nature Spirit

    Most nature spirits are bound to specific domains. Like a forest spirit who can only exist in that specific forest. A city-spirit that can only exist in that domain, etc.
    Those spirits have 5 ranks in Special Qualities and get the following with that:
  • Spell Like Ability Luck Level 6 (5 Points of bad Luck for one touched creature for up to 27 days; Skill 20, Skill modifier 12 )
  • Spell like Ability Illusion Level 4 (100' diameter, Perfect quality for a day Skill 16, Skill modifier 9)
  • Natural Armor Level 3 (DR 6)
  • Reduced damage Level 4 with Limitation not against muscle powered attacks(50%) (divides most damages by 5)
  • Flying level 1
  • Dependency Level 6 (at least 1 hour in Astral space per day)
  • Spell like ability Planeshift Level 10 (Limitation only between Astral Plane and normal plane(90%); (Planeshift, touch; accurate to 10'. Skill 26, Spell modifier 16)

    Insect Spirits

    Insect Spirits are a lot like real insects, just a lot bigger and more intelligent. With 6' being average size for most, with queens getting closer to 12' in size.

    Standard insect spirit

    Most insect spirits have 4 points in special qualities and get the following:
  • Enhanced Attribute (Strength) Level 4
  • Natural Armor Level 3 (DR 6)
  • Spell like Ability Level 1 (Poison that Paralyzes for an hour) Skill 8 Skill modifier 3 (Resisted with Willpower)
  • Reduced damage Level 1
  • Reduced damage Level 4 with Limitation not against muscle powered attacks(50%) (divedes most damages by 6 (musclepowered have still the level without limitation))
  • Flying level 1
  • Dependency Level 6 (at least 1 hour in Astral space per day)
  • Spell like ability Planeshift Level 10 (Limitation only between Astral Plane and normal plane(90%); (Planeshift, touch; accurate to 10'. Skill 26, Spell modifier 16)

    Insect Queen spirit

    The queens are a lot bigger and have 7 ranks in Special Qualities.
    They get the following abilities with those ranks:
  • Spell like ability Mind Control Level 6 (members of the same Insectspecies within 800' (50%)) Skill 18, skill modifier 9
  • Spell like ability Summoning Level 15 (Summoning Insectspirits of same species for about 485 years, Limitation: Needs to be summoned within host body(80%)) Skill 36 skill modifier 35
  • Enhanced Attribute (Strength) Level 4
  • Natural Armor Level 3 (DR 6)
  • Spell like Ability Level 1 (Poison that Paralyzes for an hour) Skill 8 Skill modifier 3 (Resisted with Willpower)
  • Reduced damage Level 1
  • Reduced damage Level 4 with Limitation not against muscle powered attacks(50%) (divedes most damages by 6 (musclepowered have still the level without limitation))
  • Flying level 1
  • Dependency Level 6 (at least 1 hour in Astral space per day)
  • Spell like ability Planeshift Level 10 (Limitation only between Astral Plane and normal plane(90%); (Planeshift, touch; accurate to 10'. Skill 26, Spell modifier 16)

    Exampe insect spirits

    Type Strength Dexterity Constitution Willpower Hitpoints Fighting Profession (tunneling) Magic Special Quality
    Worker 3(7) 3 3 3 30 0 2 0 4
    Warrior 4(8) 4 4 4 40 2 0 0 4
    Queen 5(9) 3 5 6 50 2 0 3 7