1 | Spell is cast on caster |
2 | Spell is cast on one of casters companions |
3 | Spell is cast on a nearby foe(or item if none present) |
4 | Caster shrink 10% for 1D10 Minutes |
5 | Someone near the caster shrink 10% for 1D10 Minutes |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 10% for 1D10 Minutes |
1 | Spell produces only whining noise and brimstone odor |
2 | Caster is stunned for 1D10 seconds |
3 | Spell produces just some noise and flashy lights |
4 | Caster shrinks 1D20 % for 1d6 hours |
5 | Someone near the caster shrinks 1D20 % for 1D6 hours |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 1D20% for 1D6 hours |
1 | Spell produces weak and useless shadow of intended effect |
2 | Spell produces reverse of intended effect |
3 | Spell produces reverse of intended effect on the wrong target |
4 | Caster shrinks 1D100% for 1D20 hours |
5 | Someone near the caster shrinks 1D100 % for 1D20 hours |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 1D100% for 1D20 hours |
1 | Spell produces useless illusion of intended effect |
2 | Casters hair grows 12 inches |
3 | Subject of the spell changes color |
4 | Caster shrinks 1D100% for 1D6 days |
5 | Someone near the caster shrinks 1D100 % for 1D6 days |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 1D100% for 1D6 days |
1 | painful shock in one hand |
2 | flatulence for 1D6 days |
3 | Hairs stand upright and glow for 1D6 hours |
4 | Caster shrinks 10% (permanent) |
5 | Someone near the caster shrinks 10% (permanent) |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 10% (permanent) |
1 | Spell is delayed for 5 minutes. (Of course it might not be needed then) |
2 | effects of a cold lower the concentration by 1 for 1D6 hours |
3 | Nightmares for the next 1D20 days. 50% chance that caster doesn't sleep enough to recover a concentration point |
4 | Caster shrinks 1D20 % (permanent) |
5 | Someone near the caster shrinks 1D20% (permanent) |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 1D20% (permanent) |
1 | Looses 3D10 hp |
2 | Headaches for 1D20 hours stop caster from using magic |
3 | Instead of wanted effect caster gets a good visible sheet lightning |
4 | Caster shrinks 1D100 % (permanent) |
5 | Someone near the caster shrinks 1D100% (permanent) |
6 | Someone near the caster grows 1D100% (permanent) |
1 | Caster falls unconscious for 1D20 hours. Next roll gets a modifier of -5 (No matter what it is) |
2 | lumbago for 1D100 days. Impossible to ride and only possible to walk slowly |
3 | Every piece of metal on body becomes soft as rubber for 1D100 days |
4 | Caster size gets divided by 1D100 (permanent) |
5 | Someone near the caster get his size divided by 1D100 (permanent) |
6 | Someone near the caster grows to 1D10 times normal size (permanent) |
1 | Magic hit's shoulder like a knife for 4D10 HP |
2 | Blindness for 1D100 Minutes |
3 | Caster ages 5 years and temporary looses 1D10 HP |
4 | Caster falls unconscious for 1D100 Minutes. After that -5 on all rolls for 1 day |
5 | Shock reduces magicskill by 25% for 1D20 hours |
6 | Great lightshow that indicates to everyone in 1 mile radius the presence of a magician and the caster doesn't recover Concentration for 1D20 days. |
1 | All clothing and equipment of the caster vanishes into another dimension |
2 | Energy throws caster through the air and causes 5D10 HP |
3 | Caster is extremly scared for 1D100 days. Concentration is reduced to a maximum of 3 |
4 | Caster gets deaf for 1D20 days |
5 | Casters face gets disfigured |
6 | Caster gets halfsided paralyzation for 1D20 hours |
1 | Caster looses all hair |
2 | One limb of the caster turns to stone |
3 | The energy hits one random person for a random effect. |
4 | Caster looses all concentration |
5 | Caster loses memory for 1D6 days |
6 | Caster gets epileptic seizure. Might be danger of injuries. |
1 | Caster gets sick and is for one week bedridden with fever |
2 | Caster gets confused and all rolls get modified by -20% for 2D20 days |
3 | Caster is blind and loses equilibrium sense for 1D20 days |
4 | Caster is paralyzed for 1D20 days |
5 | Energy ignites air around the caster. Caster takes 1D6 points of damage every 6 secons until the fire gets extinguished |
6 | Caster ages 10 years |
1 | Caster is extremely confused. Concentration 0 for 1D6 Month |
2 | Caster gets a heartattack. Quick help is needed |
3 | Blood starts to boil. Caster can only be saved by a quick spell |
4 | Caster ages 10 years |
5 | Casters skin turns to stone. Body functions go into hibernation. caster can survive for decades in this form before he starves |
6 | Spell causes an explosion. For 1D100 HP. For each 10' distance damage gets halved |
1 | Body feels like it would burn. Concentration is one point lower for 1D6 Weeks |
2 | Caster loses consiousness for 1D6 days |
3 | Caster ages 15 years |
4 | Casters lungs a paralyzed. Quick spell needed. |
5 | Awfull headache reduces concentration to 0 for 1D6 days |
6 | Magic summons powerful demon |
1 | Intelligence drops to Trolllevel for 1D100 days. (Impossible to do magic in that time) |
2 | Caster loses all senses for 2D100 days |
3 | Caster ages 25 years |
4 | Heavy earthquake |
5 | Caster switches body with an insect |
6 | Caster can't improve magicskill for 1D6 years |
1 | All magic equipment the caster has disapears. His magic skill drops to 0. From now on he's mundane |
2 | Csters eyes disapear |
3 | Caster turns to stone |
4 | Caster ages one year per hour |
5 | Caster transports himself into another dimension |
6 | Caster gets alast chance to dispel his own spell. if he fails he disintegrates |
1 | Caster looses his memory and all skills drop to 0 |
2 | Caster can't move. Touch or a heavy wind would crumble him to dust. |
3 | Earthquakes and hurricanes are set loose. The caster glows blue and sinks into the earth |
4 | Caster goes completely insane. He will cast spells until he is stopped somehow. |
5 | Caster dehydrates within seconds |
6 | Caster falls in coma. Soul gets trapped in some inanimate object. |