
Here is an short overview over the ability scores and what they are good for.


In the Fighting section it's explained how much damage you can deal out with strength.
Another use would be to lift weights. So here the basic lift chart. (Note you could get twice that weight up, for brief times)

It is also the base for jumping. Actually heights and widths might be modified with the sport skill, but the base is 1' high or wide for each point of strength (for characters up to 100lbs). For more detail see the sports skill.

Weight that can be lifted

Strength Weight in pounds to lift
1 20
2 30
3 45
4 67
5 100
6 150
7 225
8 330
9 500
10 750
11 1,100
12 1,650
13 2,500(1.1 tons)
14 4,000(1.8 tons)
15 6,000 (2.7 tons)
16 8,500 (3.8 tons)
17 13,000 (5.8 tons)
18 20,000 (9 tons)
19 30,000 (13.5 tons)
20 45,000 (20.25 tons)
21 67,000 (30.1 tons)
22 100,000 (45 tons)
23 150,000 (67.5 tons)
24 225,000 (100 tons)
25 330,000 (150 tons)
26 500,000 (225 tons)
27 750,000(337.5 tons)
28 1,100,000 (495 tons)
29 1,600,000 (720 tons)
30 2,400,000 (1,080 tons)
Strength over 30 should be quite rare, but here is a table with some key values.
If you need other values, just take the nearest lower one from the table below and multiply the max weight by 1.5 for each step up.
Strength Mass that can be accelerated with 9.81 m/s2
30 1,080 tons
35 8,100 tons
40 61.5 K tons
45 467 K tons
50 3,550 K tons
60 204 M tons
70 11.8 G tons
80 680 G tons
90 39.2 T tons
100 2,261 T tons
120 7.5 E tons (mass of the Moon)
140 25 Z tons (5 times mass of the Earth)
Sizechanges can effect the Strength score. Following table gives you some modifiers for common sizes. (Somehow sizechanging is very common)
percent of normal size strength modifier
1000 +11
500 +8
300 +6
250 +4
200 +3
150 +2
100 0
90 0
80 -1
70 -2
60 -2
50 -3
40 -4
30 -6
20 -8
10 -11


As mentioned under fighting it can be used to dodge attacks. It also governs all task of manual dexterity and speed.
A person can run about 6 + half his dexterity score in yards per second (or about 12 + dex in mph).
For each 4 dexterity ranks the person gets one extra action per round. (see also under fighting)


Constitution measures endurance and healing speed.
A character can run for about 10 seconds per constitution point or jog at half run speed for about 5 minutes per constitution point.
(Times might be modified by circumstances and the sports skill)
A wounded character regains one health point per night rest per constitution point and one point of stun points per rank of constitution per minute.


Willpower get used to resist mind and emotion influincing effects and spells. You roll 2D6 and add your willpower and add what ever modifier the effect might have, if your end result is 10 or more, then you are not effected at all. if something is totally against your nature, you use twice your normal amount of Willpower in your resist roll. (Includes attempts to controll someone to kill his friends...)